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Freedom Alert!

"Are you Free?"

"If so,why?"

"If not,why not?"


"Do you know what Freedom is?"

"How many Members of our One Race,know the True Source of Freedom?" 


This article,probable ebook,applies to you,me, regardless of our nationality, religion,or,political affiliation. Also,it doesn't matter if you are poor,in the middle class,rich,or,filty rich;like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. 


We,are all Members of The Human Family. The Truth,is that GOD, JEHOVAH,and HIS Sun,Jesus,make up The Supreme Family. Sister Diana,you all are name...


They created their Spirit Family,Angels. I believe they are the millions of Cherubim,and Seraphim.


JEHOVAH also created the Parents of their Human Family,Adam and Eve;not Adam and Steve...


The Pole

The Pole is for The Hole.

Back on track.


The Pole. Part Two.

The Pole



for the diamond.

Dig a me?(2.) 


Our Human Family,The Animal Kingdom and Satan with his demons, reside in The Earth. For The Saved,it will become our permanent Eden... 


"What Freedoms did our Creator bestow on us,HIS Creations;and,why?"


No doubt,HE did so freely. This has to be The $64,000,000 Question. 


Just like man. Always seeing things in monetary terms.



Here,let me define the key words, "Freedom","Liberation","Salvation",and,


"Freedom. Noun. 1:The quality of being free:as a:the absence of neccessity, coercion,or constraint in choice or action b:Liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another:Independence c:the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous <freedom from care>..."


mean the power or condition of acting without compulsion. Freedom has a broad range of application from total absence of restraint to merely a sense of not being unduly hampered or frustrated<freedom of the press>."

Liberty suggests release from former restraint or compulson<the released prisoner had difficulty adjusting to his new liberty>."

License implies freedom specifically granted or conceded and may connote an abuse of freedom<freedom without responsibility may degenerate into License>."
There is not much use in continuing to define Freedom...there is a sense of urgency. It is an EMERGENCY!  The Ship our Human Family is in is sinking; never to resurface! I could,easily,re-title this "The Emergency Life Boat!" "The Last Ship To Freedom!" "MAYDAY! MAYDAY! Every last one of us has to decide by(date unknown) whether to relocate to The New Ark,or sink with this world...Actually,I do want you,to stand up,and take notice! Verify my Message. It's called Armageddon. Comprende?

Truthfully speaking,this article needs to help me saves souls...Therefore,I am going to let it marinate,until tomorrow.

JEHOVAH loves us.
To be continued.
1. Henry's nickname is Brother HB.
2. Poetry by Brother HB. From his Debut ebook,The Poetry & Rap of Brother HB.
3. Merriam Webster Dictionary online.
All Feedback is welcome. You can comment here,and purchase my 3 ebook-Pack from Amazon's Kindle Store. The total price is only $10.97. 


My Debut ebooks are:

     $3.99. The Poetry & Rap of Brother HB;        

     $3.99. America's Racial Revolution;   

     $2.99. The Death of False Religion.

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Copyright 2014 HB Enterprises Publishing


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